House of Stewart
As the leader of this house, I have to articulate these things clearly. It’s my job. If I fail to do so, it leaves the door open for others (who care much less) to clearly articulate the opposite values. I’m not going to let that happen on my watch.
Our Family Crest
Our family crest is rooted in purpose and intended to establish a sense of pride and rectitude for generations to come. The symbol unifies our lineage and represents the intentionality that unites us.
Our Family Manifesto
Good intentions are worthless without a plan of action — this is why our manifesto exists. What follows is a public declaration of our family’s purpose and intent.
We place our faith and trust in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We purposefully seek Him and He delights in the details of our lives.
We accept our circumstances and embrace ownership of our outcomes.
We understand that true freedom comes from discipline and that hurry is incompatible with love.
We accept that life was not intended to be easy, but acknowledge it can be full of joy and purpose when lived intentionally.
While others are anxious and afraid, we remain calm and unwavering, because we know who we are and we know where we’re going.
In a world of convenience and passivity, we are ambitious and resolute.
Each day is a gift—and we choose to live on purpose.
Our Core Values
The values we hold inform the decisions we make, the life we lead, and ultimately, who we become.
We subscribe to a singular and absolute truth in the Bible, God’s living word.
It is our foundation and our compass.
Our lives have been marked by Christ.
If you don’t see it, you’re not paying attention.
We seek to fulfill the will of our Lord and Savior.
Our focus is on pleasing God, not man.
We refuse to let preferences get in the way of priorities.
Psalm 37:23
We lead with gratitude.
You can’t be thankful for what you feel entitled to and won’t be entrusted with more until you can appreciate what you have.
If you *think* you have nothing to be thankful for, be thankful for the breath in your lungs.
When we appreciate the good in our life, we have more of it.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
There, but for the grace of God, go any of us.
We were created in love, by love, for love, in the image of our creator. When we see others through this lens, we treat them the way Christ intended.
We lead with light and love in everything we do.
We practice empathy and default to a charitable interpretation of those around us.
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
We recognize that discipline is trading what you want now for what you want most.
Time magnifies margin and multiplies whatever you feed it.
Outcomes are a lagging measure of your habits.
Good habits make time your ally, bad habits make time your enemy.
If you do what is easy your life will be hard.
Hebrews 12:11
We are confident enough to keep trying, humble enough to keep learning.
Remember, the hero and the coward are both scared, but the hero steps forward focused on doing what is right.
Wisdom is discovered when seeking to understand what is right rather than trying to be right.
Confidence is quiet. Arrogance is not.
If we boast, let us boast in the Lord.
Jeremiah 9:23
The proper goal of education is to develop character.
Moral failure comes from weakness of character.
We are prone to wonder. The best protection against evil is recognizing that it lies within every human heart.
What you fill your mind with will shape the trajectory of your character. For better or worse.
Every action is a vote cast toward the person you become.
Philippians 4:8
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